I am Dreamer

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tomorrow is, tomorrow was, tomorrow will forever be. Hope exists, when you believe it's existence.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

truth in love

now i feel awkward on my pen knowing that out there the down-right possibilities of the person i so loved...
is reading this blotch of writing(more like typing

Sometimes...I deliberately think and say quietly to myself...that i am a very straight,open-minded, the "who-cares-what-other-people think" sort of person...
but, deep down in me...
i know that, that is not who i really am...

to be honest to the world...
each and one of us are experiencing the same problem...
we tend to be "shy" and "timid" about expressing the love we feel...
in the name of fear of embarrassing the other person, or ourselves,we hesitate to say the actual words...

we try to communicate the idea in other words like "take care" or "hav a good day" or even "be good"...

but, really...thesea are just other words to say the sacred ILY...
Humans are really weird huh???
The only things we wanted to say and the things that we should say ,are the ones that we don't say at all...
and yyet...because the feeling is so real...we are driven to potray them in other words or signs to say what we really mean...
unfortunately for us....humans are no MIND-READERS...
and most of the time...the message never gets communicated and
...in the end the person would be left feeling devastated, unloved and unwanted...

at times...there are moments where both would accidentay blurt the word...
and confusingly say that it is "a friend sort of love to each other"...
based on experience...it actually means that it would either...
dampened the hopes of ever getting together...
and finally...
both moving on...
if both of them are lucky...both of them would move on...
if not, one or both of them are going to be the most miserable people on earth...

truly, sadly, deeply, madly,
love is crazy thing that a human could venture...
and to be shy about that is definitely a regret in advance...

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