I am Dreamer

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tomorrow is, tomorrow was, tomorrow will forever be. Hope exists, when you believe it's existence.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

i'm :)

today apparently i had this late nite tv-watchin...
not something my mum would actually approve...
but, i have no regrets at all as it was like soooooo nice,romantic,sweet and a must-see episode...

the story was a series sitcom

third season-episode 28 (alex saves mason)

it was about this witch girl named ALEX whose boyfriend named MASON being spellbound becoming a very furry alaskan wolf...

(he was cute in any which form he is though)

then after some hitch and bounds they manage to find a way to shift him back to his human form...

the first try was kinda unsuccessful as they missed out just one teeny tiny instrument called an...idk...
turning MASON into a somesort of werewolf with fur on the eyelids...

that's when the whole drama starts...
ALEX was kinda,sorta,but really actually feeling a bit awkward bringing him around...
she even decided to masks on wit newspapers wit eyeholes cut out so that nobody sees them...
when the truth finally comes out...ALEX accidentaly spilled the beans on her embarrassment on her BEAU'S looks...OBVIOUSLY...if I was MASON...i would be hurt too...so he went out to the elevator on his way down and out of the party...

at that point, HARPER aka weirdo and also ALEX'S bestfriend forever made ALEX realize that
"it doesn't matter what people think of us...
cause what we think matters most...
at that point her love towards MASON goes beyond the meltdown accent and handsome-ity"
and at that, she magically went to the elevator apologized...
what happened next was sweet...
as then she accepted him just the way he is...
with or without hair all over...
though he did change back to his real HANDSOME DEAD DROP GORGEOUS FIGURE in the end...

what i learnt was that...
"true love does not see what's on the outside...
but what's deep down in the heart and that is what really counts..."

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