I am Dreamer

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tomorrow is, tomorrow was, tomorrow will forever be. Hope exists, when you believe it's existence.

Friday, April 15, 2011

a love like juliet's

Doubt thou, the Starres are fire,
Doubt, that the Sunne doth moue:
Doubt Truth to be a Lier,
But neuer Doubt, I loue.

shakespeare's piece of ode from hamlet is a simple treasure yet unimaginably divine...

it holds a huge meaning...
forever can we doubt and deny everything or anything in the eternal universe...but not even once crossed through our little minds to doubt the one we love...

here in the middle of the crisp night...accompanied by stellars...and the gleaming moon glow...
i waited for you...
you called me this morning...
saying you had something important to say...i don't know...
perhaps you had finally gotten two tickets for both of us to watch ASTON VILLA as how you promised...(you did promised it right?)
or maybe, you wanted me to get me all straighten up about who threw the salad first on cafeteria...(well it seems like it was me but it was david...he started the food fight and i got the blame..."just great!")
or probably, you just wanted me to help you out with those maths crunches...or those "amazingly" difficult science theories that you never manage to stuff in that little brain of yours?

whatever it is...you better come quick...it's now like eight or something...my curfews at ten...and i ain't going to waste petty time waiting for you here,leaving me in the cold...

oh well...never mind that...anyways as the time feels like it's been years...5 minutes had passed by...
i worn out of energy to stand up...so...i lied down on the floor...facing the stars...
this reminds me of the days when you would connect the stars and make some constellation of yours...none of them are listed you know...who has the giant duck? i bet there's a bear and a huge scorpion...but A DUCK?
you are officially a nutcase...but you're MY NUTCASE...so i guess that's okay:)

as i'm wasting life away on the dewed lush meadow of the park...
my mind continues to ponder on possibilities...
what if...you came to tell me...that you're now busy with your football practices that we would not be able to walk to school anymore?
what if...you're telling me that you got bored of me outsmarting you in class?(well it is not my fault that i studied and you didn't!)
what if...you're going to say you're moving to some place else?
what if...you say...that you're going out with someone else and eventhough we have been best of buds since we even know how to make friends you're afraid that she might get jealoused and you want me to move on and find another bestie to hang out with?

i know you've always said LEA the front cheerleader was hot and all..i didn't think you would ditch me for her...eew much!

heartbeat racing from 93 to118 perminute and fast!
god i need him to be here...i don't want to lose him...
what if he's not even coming...he's really going to leave me here ALONE?


soft pat on the shoulders startled me...almost caused my heart to skip a beat and could result in cardiac arrest...
phewh...then a familiar voice voiced out...

"hey jules! sorry i'm late...i was kinda stuck just now with..."
and without him finishing his sentence i turned myself around and grab hold of him...hugging the best hugs these two hands of mine could ever deal with in their whole entire existence...

"it doesn't matter..."
reality checking for a moment...why in a world am i hugging him?
releasing him whilst trying to make sense of it all...
"now that you're here...what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

looking into those dark eyes...i can never tell what dirty little secrets they hold...

"here's the thing...you know about those tickets i can't get them..."you said
"shush...don't say a word...it's okay...who wants them anyway" explained dear old considerate me
"well if you say so...but that's not why i'm here...i called you cause i...i...urm...i",you stuttered
impatiently being a little temperish and annoyed easily i am...i accidentally scared your wits out when i screamed "CAUSED YOU WHAT?"
and then you finally got it out of your system...

 those three words were weird and awkward...especially when it comes from you...
and well...i smiled...you stared into my eyes and said it slowly now...
"i really, really miss you"

the rest is history...i guess most of you can figure it out yourself...
after all that what ifs and mere and ridiculous thoughts of what you would do to me...
it turned out pretty well...

WHAT and IF are 2 words non threatening as words can be. Put them together side by side and they have to follow and want you for the rest of our lives. WHAT IF, WHAT IF. I dont know how a story should be ended but if what you felt then was true love, then it's never to late. And if it was true then, why not it can be true now. You need only the courage to follow your heart. I dont know the love like Juliet's, love to leave love ones, love to cross oceans for, but i like to believe, if I ever would feel it, that i have the courage to seize it...

owh and by the way...i still beat him in class _(~_^)_

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